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  • ondine vierra
    14 years, 11 months ago


    i’m ready to buy my first base for my press. i like the idea of a magnetic base, and metal plates. what does everyone prefer. metal or the adhesive polymer plates.

    many thanks in advance!

    anemone letterpress
    14 years, 11 months ago

    My vote is for a magnetic base with steel back plates. Good luck!

    ondine vierra
    14 years, 11 months ago

    thanks for your reply, this is what i prefer but i have only used magnetic with metal once. where did you get your base? does it have measurements on it?many thanks.

    anemone letterpress
    14 years, 11 months ago

    You can buy them direct from Bunting Magnetics, but I ordered mine from Fritz at NA Graphics because I like to help out small businesses. I’m pretty sure the base ships direct from Bunting. The size I use is 6″ x 9″. It works for almost all my needs.

    Jessica C. White
    14 years, 11 months ago

    I started out with metal backed plates and magnetic bases at school, but I’ve switched to using sticky-backed plates on an aluminum base now. I just find them easier to make small adjustments, since they don’t ‘smack’ down onto the base, and I like being able to see through them when putting them in place. I also like the flexibility of the plates, so I can lightly attach them to the printing paper and place them on the base by tripping the carriage.I’m slowing adding to my collection of plates, and they’re also much lighter, and take up less room than metal backed plates as well.

    Jessica C. White
    14 years, 11 months ago

    Oh, I get my plates (and the base) from Boxcar Press.

    ondine vierra
    14 years, 11 months ago

    thanks for great advice, you bring up many good points! is adhesive less expensive than metal polymer plates?

    Jessica C. White
    14 years, 11 months ago

    Yes, the adhesive plates are slightly less slightly less expensive than the metal-backed, but buying the adhesive sheets for them might add up to about the same price. I’m not sure about the price difference between the magnetic vs. aluminum bases.

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