anemone letterpress replied to the topic base and plate info?? in the forum Business Matters 14 years, 10 months ago
You can buy them direct from Bunting Magnetics, but I ordered mine from Fritz at NA Graphics because I like to help out small businesses. I’m pretty sure the base ships direct from Bunting. The size I use is 6″ x 9″. It works for almost all my needs.
anemone letterpress replied to the topic base and plate info?? in the forum Business Matters 14 years, 10 months ago
My vote is for a magnetic base with steel back plates. Good luck!
anemone letterpress replied to the topic sheets warping?? in the forum Design Side 14 years, 12 months ago
Funny, just ran a job and experienced some paper warp! Nothing major, but it was still there. It happened on the first color, but not really the other three. I was using Lanaquarelle 140# on my Windmill. This has never happened with the other stocks that I frequently use, like Reich’s Savoy, Lettra, Mohawk Superfine on the Windmill or my…[Read more]
anemone letterpress replied to the topic oil for press? in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 1 month ago
Hi Katrina,If you have a Heidelberg, use Mobil DTE Extra Heavy. It used to be called Mobil Vactra and is the one recommended in the manual.Good Luck!Carrie
anemone letterpress replied to the topic Blade for old Challenge paper cutter in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 1 month ago
Hi Kathryn,If you are in the LA area, I recommend LA Grinding in Burbank. If not, I would inquire at a local (offset) printshop to see where they purchase their blades and get them sharpened.Good Luck!Carrie
anemone letterpress posted an update 15 years, 3 months ago
@johannaanderers Hi Johanna!
anemone letterpress replied to the topic Duplexing Paper in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 7 months ago
Hi Marijke,This week I’ll be trying a little duplexing experiment with Neenah Classic Columns paper; I’ll let you know how it goes. 🙂
anemone letterpress replied to the topic Duplexing Paper in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 8 months ago
Thanks, Allison! That is awesome information- I figured that I had probably used the incorrect verbiage; maybe my google searches will prove more fruitful! I am in Pasadena, California.
anemone letterpress replied to the topic Duplexing Paper in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 8 months ago
Thanks~ Unfortunately, I’m looking to have some Mohawk paper duplexed. Mohawk would probably do it, but I’d probably have to order an enormous amount (at least for me anyway!) 😉
anemone letterpress replied to the topic Vandercook inking problems in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 15 years, 9 months ago
Hi Rachael,I was having the same problem with the form rollers changing height down the length of the bed. The guy that came out here to fix the problem found that the bearing height was to blame and that they needed to be adjusted. If you have the manual they are parts x-12229 and x-12232. The eccentrics on the outside are what he adjusted. It…[Read more]
anemone letterpress replied to the topic ink ears in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 11 months ago
Great info! Thanks for posting this!