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  • Jennifer Brown
    14 years, 11 months ago

    I am ridiculously new to letterpress.   I have done some research and am going to take a free local class on letterpress next week at Dartmough College, here, in NH.   I am hoping to buy a newer style C&P Pilot press in the coming month or so.  I only plan to do hobby note cards and see how that goes.


    I know I am putting the cart before the horse, buying blocks before the press…

    Until I get my press, I am looking around at what designs are out there to imprint.  I know that type is widely available, but I am not interested in buying type yet; I am looking to buy image designs like flowers, birds, etc.  Do most people have their own designs made from photopolymer material?   I have looked on Ebay for print blocks and there are a LOT on there.


    Can someone give advice as to what to look for as something we can use for letterpress?  There are print blocks advertised, there are letterpress blocks advertised… they look similar but can they both be used for letterpress?  I don’t want to end up b uying the wrong thing.  And I want to be educated enough to recognize if someone is advertising the wrong thing (calling it letterpress improperly).


    Thanks so much!

    Jenn in NH

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 11 months ago

    I would think they are the same thing. Just make sure they are .918″ high and made of some good metal, like, magnesium, copper, or lead. They should be mounted on wood or metal. Ebay is a great source for them.

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