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  • Jessica C. White
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Many thanks to everyone who came out to Type on the Cob and made it a smashing success! Also a special thanks to our wonderful sponsors who help to make it all happen, and especially Neenah Paper for providing all the paper for the entire event, and their continuing support of Ladies of Letterpress. And an especially HUGE thanks to Jim Daggs, Steve Alt, Rick Von Holdt, and everyone at Printer’s Hall for opening their doors and welcoming us, and for all of work in helping us make this happen.

    There is a sense of community amongst us printers throughout the year, but every Ladies of Letterpress event reminds me again of how special our bond is, all that we can accomplish when we work together, and just how dang fun it is to hang out with a bunch of printers for three days.

    With that said, Kseniya and I have decided to take a sabbatical for one year to take a break, then start planning for the next letterpress extravaganza. So, although there will not be an LoLP conference in 2014, be on the lookout (and sign up for our mailing list) for updates on the 2015 letterpress conference!

    Much love,

    David L. Kent
    11 years, 8 months ago

    If Jessica and Kseniya are taking a break for 2014, I suppose it might be appropriate to announce that the 2014 national Wayzgoose is (tentatively yet) heading for Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where Hamilton Wood Type’s new headquarters will be accessible. It was a delight to have as featured presenters Kseniya Thomas, Jennifer Farrell, and Jessica Spring at the Wayzgoose in Chandler, Arizona, this June, and the Two Rivers meet may be more convenient for members of Ladies of Letterpress next summer. Announcements on the Amalgamated Printers’ Association website.

    David L. Kent, archivist APA and a real Laddie of Letterpress 

    Melinda F
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Sorry I missed the conference this year. If you ever want to come out west, Salt Lake City might be fun. We have a really great print shop at the University of Utah and we have Saltgrass Printmakers a non-profit organization dedicated to the art of printmaking the website hasn’t been updated in a while, but they are busy on Facebook. Have a great day! 

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