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  • christie
    16 years ago

    I just ordered a bunch of blank coasters to print on and realized I better find some boxes to sell them in. Does any one have any boxed they use and like? I’m thinking of using clear boxes and my coasters are 4″ wide.If anyone is wanting some coasters and not wanting to buy them in bulk, let me know. I plan on selling some I don’t use in my etsy supply shop.thanks!

    16 years ago

    oh, and to add a quick question to this. If I print on the coasters with rubber ink, will it run if the coasters get wet. I’m assuming not, but want to be sure.thanks!!

    Kseniya Thomas
    16 years ago

    I don’t know about packaging (beyond good old Uline), but I do know that the rubber ink won’t run! It takes longer to dry, but is as hard as anything.

    15 years, 11 months ago

    update: I found some clear plastic boxes from that work well. They are the right length and height, but are a little too deep. For now I put a couple pieces of cardboard in there and it fills up the box, but wish they fit perfectly!

    Helen Evans
    15 years, 9 months ago

    Christie I have the same problem with the crystal clear boxes from … I wish I could think of a really elegant solution for filling up the extra space! I searched high and low to find even those boxes, though. If only they were a few millimetres shallower.

    Jane hancock papers
    15 years, 9 months ago

    Depending on what you plan on selling them for, I just ordered some round tin containers for my coasters. They are not to deep, but I think I can put 4-6 in there. They also had square ones as well depending on your coasters.

    ashley mcneill
    15 years, 7 months ago

    Christie- where did you order the coasters from? I’d like to try printing some but haven’t found any. AmericanCoaster’s website is no more and that’s the place that most people have (in the past, obviously) recommended. Thanks!!

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