Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Roller Recasting in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 4 months ago
I got mine done via recommendation of Casey from Inky Lips. He recommended RotaDyne in Texas. THEY WERE AMAZING! I needed a second set (cores/rollers) for my press and they helped me locate another press owner near their plant, did measurements and recovered for 2 rollers for $450 (that way I didn’t have to send in the current set and have to stop…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry posted an update 15 years, 4 months ago
@johannaanderers Hi Johanna, welcome to the ladies secret society 🙂
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Lettra Schmettra in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 7 months ago
I’ve never had a successful order from Crane with Lettra. they SUCK! I’ve given them plenty of opportunities as well. I now buy direct from Legion and my REP ROCKS!!!! He’s from west coast legion but often I can order under the $250 minimum without paying extra. AND he’ll let me request the parent sheets to be cut down at minimal cost. I usually…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Just a few more things to buy…but where should I get them from? in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 8 months ago
I do Boxcar base and plates. registration is a breeze.Ink. Buy the PMS mixing kit and an extra can of white. If you are looking to cut cost on ink, you can get silver 877 and really mix almost any metallic from that. I Haven’t bought gold or copper yet and can mix stellar hues from silver, including gold. I use the white in my mixing instead of…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Packaging… in the forum Business Matters 15 years, 8 months ago
I’m up for it (6 months late)!
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Copyright and copycats in the forum Business Matters 15 years, 8 months ago
I find a hard thing is that many presses have similar design styles and use the same stock (hello dover) which I myself use on occasion. Be aware of your competition and be familiar with other presses so when someone comes to you, you know who they are trying to rip-off (emulate) and then offer custom design as an alternative. My usual lingo is…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Pricing: deposit? in the forum Business Matters 15 years, 8 months ago
I require 100% down (terms outlined in the initial estimate). If job is canceled during design phase they get 60% back. Once design is approved then job turns over to non-refundable status.If the client is stingy and asks for 50% down instead, then I bill first 50% at beginning of job, and then last 50% upon approval of artwork. If additional…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Lettra Schmettra in the forum Supplies and Sources 15 years, 8 months ago
I use lettra as my house paper and really like it. I might be wasting my time but I hand score with a fiskars 12″ trimmer and scoring blade set on. It creates a nice score/fold. If you don’t go with lettra though, Arturo has great pre-scored cards that I love too.
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Press Wash Suggestions in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 15 years, 8 months ago
I use Gans Nature Wash. I had a letterpress instructor who’s father was a Chemist, he said the nature wash is not harmful (and not smelly) for printing, preggo and children. It works well and makes my press happy. I also took the workshop on maintaining your press by Paul Moxon (founder of vandercookinfo.com). He recommended Putz Pomade on rollers…[Read more]
Adrienne Berry replied to the topic Back pain & the busty printer.. in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 15 years, 8 months ago
I’ve got the DDs here and although it doesn’t bother me too much normally, when I’m pregnant that’s a whole other story. My OB recommend wrapping my ribs/chest as posture has a lot to do with it too. I just used a good old ace bandage and wrapped it tight every-time I printed. Otherwise I’d have “out” days where I couldn’t even walk!
Adrienne Berry posted an update 15 years, 8 months ago
@kseniyathomas Hi! Thanks for the welcome, and the compliments on the blog. I’ve yet to explore around at everyone elses’ (word?) profiles and shops. Glad to be a part of LoL!