Armina Ghazaryan replied to the topic What to do with type and identification? in the forum Type 12 years, 8 months ago
Dear Sonja,here are some website that might helpful in identification of wood type:http://www.utexas.edu/cofa/rrk/specimens.phphttp://www.unicorngraphics.com/wood%20type%20museum.asphttp://www.woodentypefonts.com/Pages/page1.htmlhttp://www.letterpress.dwolske.com/kind regards,Arminahttp://typeandpress.formapparatus.com/
Armina Ghazaryan replied to the topic Virgin Wood Type in the forum Type 12 years, 10 months ago
Hello all,yesterday I saw the following message on the Virgin Wood Type website explaining the delays:http://virginwoodtype.com/blog/posts/suspending-operationsI hope he will get better!kind regardsArminahttp://typeandpress.formapparatus.com/