Christy Etheredge replied to the topic What is in a name? in the forum Business Matters 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Marina,I held a contest on facebook and we named her Mrs. Mia Wallace.In Quintin Terantino’s 1993 film Pulp Fiction, Mia Wallace is a saucy little tart and Marcellus Wallace’s wife. She messes up every now and again, but always comes back to life and is ready for a joke. It just seemed fitting 🙂 For those that like the classic names, Mia can…[Read more]
Christy Etheredge replied to the topic Letterpress Coasters in the forum Supplies and Sources 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Marina,I’ve been printing on these for the past 5 months and they have pros and cons.Pros:- super affordable- fast shipping- accepts impression well- photographs wellCons:- printing surface is fluorescent white. I print mainly with “pearl white” paper, so in comparison the coasters look… cheap. However by themselves they look fine.- edges are…[Read more]
Christy Etheredge replied to the topic Best Hand Cleaner in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 11 years, 11 months ago
I know you wrote this years ago, but I just have to say THANK YOU! I have a meeting with a client tomorrow and I have blue fingers and nails from todays printing. I went to LOL to see if there was a solution to ink stained hands and I found your post. Maybe now my clients won’t think I strangled a smurf! ^_^
Christy Etheredge replied to the topic Letterpress Coasters in the forum Supplies and Sources 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the info! I went ahead and got the Medium size 3.5 round from Katz. Printing soon – will update with review.
Christy Etheredge replied to the topic selling cards in the forum Business Matters 12 years, 2 months ago
I’m a little late (NEW member!) I would also like the rep list please.