Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Need Quoin and composing stick in the forum Supplies and Sources 11 years, 7 months ago
hmmm. I’m not sure the exact size. the Quoins I have are about 1.5 inches. so small. I have a Golding Pearl #11. As far as composing sticks. didn’t realize there are different sizes. I guess not very large one since I only have about a 9″ width.I would be looking to get 1 or 2 Quoins.
Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Need Paper Source Recommendations in the forum Supplies and Sources 12 years, 6 months ago
Thank you soooo much!
Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Ink bleeding slightly… how to ensure a crisp print? in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 12 years, 11 months ago
I’m new at printing as well and my first run (Golding Pearl #11) was a bit frustrating as I too could not get my ink even, had bleed and uneven impressions, etc. After much messing with the packing and rollers, I realized I had most likely over inked my platen. So I took a piece of plain paper, laid it on the platen and ran the rollers over it.…[Read more]
Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Best way to clean type. in the forum Conference 13 years ago
Thank you Cindi
Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Videos on registering plates with two colors in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 13 years, 1 month ago
Thank you!
Heather Ferreira replied to the topic Videos on registering plates with two colors in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 13 years, 1 month ago
Thank you!