Jennifer Weisgerber replied to the topic Boxcar deep relief base cuts? in the forum Business Matters 14 years, 3 months ago
We print A2 and A6 cards on our 8×12 C&P and have not cut our base. We merely cut the paper after printing instead of before. It’s a little more labor intensive but, as I understand it, most people with platen presses do it this way. Also, it doesn’t limit us if we print something else like a larger print. We hope to graduate to a windmill soon in…[Read more]
Jennifer Weisgerber replied to the topic National Stationery Show 2010 in the forum Show Time 14 years, 3 months ago
We have been wanting to do the NSS. We plan to go as attendees this year to get a feel for the place for 2012. We also would be interested in a LofL booth.