Jessica Molnar replied to the topic Can I print gold over dark purple? in the forum Job Advice 12 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for your replies! Seriously reconsidering the foil stamping option:)Cheers,Jessica
Jessica Molnar replied to the topic what to do with wedding text plates in the forum Business Matters 12 years, 8 months ago
If the client wants the plates, I send them along with the final order. Otherwise I keep them on hand to print samples from as needed.
Jessica Molnar replied to the topic Contracts for custom work in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 9 months ago
I was just thinking about that too. Maybe for etsy, it’s best to let customers buy samples through the site, but then convo you for custom orders and proceed off of etsy? Or you could incorporate all of the points that are made in your contract into your etsy shop policies, and make sure the client reads that first?
Jessica Molnar replied to the topic Bookkeeping suggestions? in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 9 months ago
This has been a major hurdle for me! I just started using Freshbooks (http://www.freshbooks.com/) for estimates, invoices and time tracking. So far I love it. My business is itty bitty right now, so I just use the free version. I tried Outright, but they lost me as soon as they got rid of the free option. Accounting Spot ([Read more]