Lynn Allison Starun replied to the topic dampened paper in the forum Design Side 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi Jane,I like to dampen paper and do it the way I learned in a Japanese woodblock class. I cut down a big sheet of chip board/binder board/davey board (thinner BB works best and NOT the acid free which is reluctant to take up the water) into sizes larger than my printing papers. Then I take the stack of binder board/davey board and dip each on…[Read more]
Lynn Allison Starun replied to the topic Has anyone tried Caligo ink?? in the forum Supplies and Sources 11 years, 7 months ago
Hi,I’ve used Caligo for letterpress printing and for doing a sort of poster large print with linoleum blocks mixed with type. It worked well straight out of the tube. We were doing a hands on demo for children and the clean up was so easy. I like baby wipes for when there’s no sink handy. I’ve also used it adding a little magnesium car…[Read more]
Lynn Allison Starun replied to the topic Question for the Ladies Regarding Aprons! in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 11 years, 10 months ago
I can’t say about the bust issue but I find aprons that crisscross in back are way more comfortable than the ones with neck loops and waist ties. I modify any aprons I buy. I can’t stand the feel of the neck loop so I cut the loop in the back center. Then I make some sort of little loop on the hip sides where the ties are attached (you can use a…[Read more]