Mike Moore replied to the topic New Rollers for a 8×12 C&P. in the forum Supplies and Sources 11 years, 8 months ago
I like these guys:http://www.tarheelroller.com/
Mike Moore replied to the topic C & P 6.5 x 10 Pilot, trucks won't roll on rails in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the picture. From your description I assume that the rollers are also slurring across the form and therefore not inking correctly, is that correct?Do the trucks correctly engage with the crimp on the roller core?I was able to find some L shaped aluminum extruded material at Lowe’s, which I cut to fit the form using a hack saw.. Locked…[Read more]
Mike Moore replied to the topic metal '@' symbols in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 11 years, 8 months ago
We really need to come up with an English name for this symbol. Ampersat?I need one too, in fact I need one in eight, twelve and forteen pt. Yes we should beseech the standards org for the California Job Case to include a compartment for @, LOL.Mike