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Ladies of Letterpress

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Nora Young




Cincinnati, Ohio


United States


Make/model of press(es)?

MA-52 Showcard, 7×11 Showcard, 14×22 Line-O-Scribe, Sigwalt Chicago No. 11, Sigwalt Ideal No. 5, Kelsey Excelsior 2 1/2, Kelsey 3×5

Press or Business Name

Typesy Turvy

Printing for How Long?

5 years

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


Nora Young is a graphic designer, letterpress printer and collector, with a love for all things typographic. Her design solutions often lean on type inventiveness, enjoying the expressive possibilities that letters and negative spaces can reveal with a little coaxing. This joy for letter forms is what led her foray into letterpress printing, which quickly went from mere curiosity to complete obsession, rescuing presses, fonts and various other tools from barns, shuttered shops and other dusty spaces.

For the past five years, Nora has studied with university print programs, at book arts/print studios and her own basement shop to hone her skills in the “black art.” She outgrew her basement and now has a shop in Brazee Street Studios. She is currently the Design Director of Print for 84.51° and holds a BS in Graphic Design from the University of Cincinnati School of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning (DAAP).

Nora Young

Profile picture of Nora Young


Active 5 months, 2 weeks ago