Samantha Olson replied to the topic Printing Help! in the forum News and Announcements 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Carrisa,I would be happy to help you but I don’t know if my press is big enough. how big is the image area, number of colors, number of components and when do you need it delivered to you.I am acquiring a C&P 8×12 early Sept. but may not be in time for your deadline.sam
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Need Paper Source Recommendations in the forum Supplies and Sources 12 years, 7 months ago
I’ve gotten a few orders from paper-papers.com but I also got some from letterpresspaper.com and frenchpaper.com. I found that it was cheaper to get some savoy from letterpresspaper.com and have it cut down by a local print shop. I also have ordered some holyoke papers from holyokedirect.com. I like them but way pricey. if you’re not in a super…[Read more]
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Deep Impression vs. Kiss Impression in the forum News and Announcements 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Davina,I was able to acquire some sample papers from Legion Paper and I was able to test run them through my pearl. Looks like she can handle up to 600 gsm. Though I reduced my packing a bit to compensate for the thicker stock. i was able to get a deep impression and not too deep. so perhaps you can try reducing the packing. sam
Samantha Olson posted an update 12 years, 10 months ago
@enriquew are you still interested in the inks?
-sam -
Samantha Olson replied to the topic is there a substance you can add to extend the volume of ink? in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 12 years, 10 months ago
sorry to sound dumb, but what’s a conditioner and where can i get one?
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Deep Impression vs. Kiss Impression in the forum News and Announcements 12 years, 10 months ago
thanks Kathryn. good point on the design. I have yet to decide on whether to stick with just photopolymers or add in handset type. I also have cuts that I have collected over the years just because they look cool to me. sam
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Beginning in the forum Business Matters 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Rachel,I started out with an Adana 8×5 back in 2006. I got one off ebay and an old printer friend from the UK picked it up for me, looked it over and added some books and such to help me out and then shipped it to the US. It’s a great little press. I only got it to do wedding invitations for one of my best friends. I got that press cheap and…[Read more]
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Quick Kluts plates in the forum Design Side 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Davina,I wondered about that too but since I’m trying to start a letterpress business that would produce and sell notecards and such, I would think it would be a copyright infringement if I used their plates to use on things I’m selling unless they have an angel policy I suppose.if you find out anything, let me know.
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Wacom Tablet in InDesign? in the forum Design Side 12 years, 10 months ago
i use my ipad as a tablet to draw and then open them in illustrator to make them vector files. there are tons of sketch/draw/paint apps available for the ipad. the one i use is call paper by 53. I believe there is a way to make the ipad function like a wacom tablet but you have to use airDisplay and turn off your firewall (which I don’t recommend.…[Read more]
Samantha Olson replied to the topic Best place to purchase polymer plates? in the forum Supplies and Sources 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Yvonne,there’s also a place in Portland that makes the plates, Beaver Engraving. I think they’re about the same price as Boxcar. I haven’t tried them yet. may save you shipping. They also do magnesium mounted on cherry wood.