Sara Maltzman replied to the topic For Sale: Challenge Proof Press 15GP in the forum Classifieds 7 years ago
Hi Dee! I’m sorry to bug you with a question rather than an offer to buy your press (I hope it sold, by the way!!!!) but I thought maybe you could help me. I posted the question on the LOL forum a couple days ago, but no one’s responded; because my new press is sort of similar to yours, I am hoping you might please be able to assist (and again,…[Read more]
Sara Maltzman started the topic Help getting my new press running: Challenge cylinder press in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 7 years ago
Hi, i’m a new member of Ladies and glad to be here! I just bought a Challenge 1425-E cylinder proofing press; my only prior press experience was on an Asbern (and minimal). My first challenge with the Challenge is that bed is galley high and I was told I need a piece of 50/1000 sheet metal cut to proper dimensions to bring bed up to type high.…[Read more]
Sara Maltzman became a registered member 7 years ago