Sara Burgess started the topic Call for Entries. A Letterpress Community Project in the forum News and Announcements 6 years ago
For several months now I have been working on an amazing project with the letterpress community. Fine folks have chosen a headline that is particularly meaningful to them and printed it 100 times. We are engaging with the physical type, fact checking and moving the words from digital to hand printed words. There is a catharsis to the process. If…[Read more]
Sara Burgess's profile was updated 7 years, 1 month ago
Sara Burgess started the topic CALL FOR ENTRIES. A Letterpress Community Project in the forum News and Announcements 7 years, 1 month ago
For full details and specifications please email me at whileyouweresleeping100@gmail.com
While You Were Sleeping – A Letterpress Community Project
I call on the letterpress community to join me in print. To return to the truth. To print in facts, images, and lead type. Because in our type, we can convey beauty and messages, and call attention to…[Read more]