Todd Boatin replied to the topic Chandler & Price 10×15 New Style for Sale in the forum Classifieds 10 years ago
Hi Allie, interested in your press for a lady friend of mine that had her press damaged in shipping. can you send me your zip code, more photos if you have and serial number if you know. for me to show her.Thanks Todd Todd’s Press Time LLCtobout05@aol.com
Todd Boatin replied to the topic Be kind to your fellow printers in the forum Business Matters 10 years ago
I know this is a older post but a interesting story true with most business and difference between most modern printers and letterpress printers. I have found people of letterpress are a nicer, easer going more self reliant group of hard workers, not only here but all over the world thanks to the language changing technology and the Internet. I d…[Read more]
Todd Boatin posted an update 10 years ago
@jessicacwhite Hi Jessica, I was wondering how to get my logo on Ladies of letterpress sponsors page. thanks Todd
Todd’s Press Time