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  • Ink Petals Press
    10 years, 10 months ago

    I’m still in but I would prefer the later date as well. If we could get a final count, that would be helpful. Otherwise International shipping for me.

    Nadi Bulju
    10 years, 10 months ago

    I would be interested in participating after all of the specific details are worked out.  Please keep me posted.  Thanks.

    davina farinola
    10 years, 10 months ago

    Im in for the final call please 🙂 Sorry I have been a little absent! But Bring It On!


    Ink Petals Press
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Has anything been narrowed down on this – Timing, quantities?

    Courtney Kaminski
    10 years, 9 months ago


    Note cards & gift tags – Sets of 6 – Six note cards/Six gift tags (for each participant)

    Rules: note cards go in an envelope -they can be 4 bar or a-2 (or similar) please include envelopes which you may print on if you like! They can be flat or folded, and they do not have to be the same aka you can send 6 different per set or 6 all the same per set.

    No theme is required – your cards can be themed (such has thank you OR no theme, your choice!)

    Gift tags do not have to have envelopes (but can if you want!) OR they can be punched to tie on a package. DO not have to match the note cards, but can if you want.

    Please package up your note tags & note cards – it can be a plastic sleeves or tied up – just packaged them somehow!

    Angela R. Stewart
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Our cut of date is coming up soon! I envisioned we would have a final list of participants by next week…

    I can manage the shipping (I have just been out of town with no computer and my phone doesnt like the site much it seems!) – we just need to get a final count and I think if everyone can provide there emails as well it would be faster if we should need get ahold of anyone. It seems no one gets on LOL very often!

    Shipping address will be

    Ladybug Press

    3512 Kootenai Street

    Boise, Idaho 83705

    My email is angela AT ladybugpress DOT com

    Our tentative list of participants:

    Angela Stewart, Ladybug Press

    Shauna Rue,

    Ink Petals

    Nadi Buliju

    Courtney Kaminski


    Nancy Stock-Allen


    Davina, Fluid Ink

    Joy Ragland,

    10 years, 9 months ago

    I am interested in participating, but will make a very humble contribution!  

    Joy Ragland

    Angela R. Stewart
    10 years, 9 months ago

    I also think we should each do a few extra sets, I will hold on to them and we can use them for the LOL auction or try to get them on display somewhere!

    Courtney Kaminski
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Awesome Angela! I just wanted to put a timeline on it since I thought maybe you’d given up on us, haha. My e-mail is courtney.kaminski AT gmail DOT com.

    I think printing extras is a great idea. Can you send out the final count (with extras) by e-mail?

    Angela R. Stewart
    10 years, 9 months ago

    No WORRIES! Courtney we really need to get it finalized!

    Nancy Stock-Allen
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Just checking here:

    1. We have to provide 6 note cards AND 6 tags for each person.

    2.  The total # of participants to be announced but now is at 10?

    email confirmation would be great.,,,,


    Nadi Bulju
    10 years, 9 months ago

    I have a question for clarification, the date that the notecards need to be shipped to Angela is June 20th? Or received by Angela on June 20th? 

    Angela R. Stewart
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Yes 6 note cards & 6 tags per each person. We have 10 participants so far.. There will be an email confirmation on the numbers!

    Angela R. Stewart
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Shipped to me around June 20th, I will then pull them together and calculate shipping and ship out.

    But for all the USA folks I know its going to fit in a flat rate box — $12 so if you want to mail checks to me with your submissions that is fine! For International we will want to first class and I will need an exact weight for that so I hope our couple of international participants will be willing to wait until I have all the submissions then you can paypal your money to me.

    Ash Flinn
    10 years, 9 months ago

    I would love to participate in this swap! 

    Ashley Flinn

    Two Crow Press

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 69 total)
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