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  • Bunny Bear Press
    12 years ago

    I am trying to print on Stardream Dual and having a heck of a time with it. At first I thought it was because I was using rubber based ink, and thought the trouble was due to the fact that the paper must be coated and therefore the ink was unable to absorb. But now I am having the same result with oil based ink. The ink looks as though its floating on the surface and I am not getting even coverage. Also the ink appears much lighter in color than it does when printed on just cotton paper.

    Any help or suggestions are SUPER appreciated. I need to have the cards to her by the end of March/beginning of April.

    (BTW I know there is too much ink on my press shown on this makeready :D)

    Thank you!


    Kseniya Thomas
    11 years, 12 months ago

    It looks like too much ink is the problem; I use very little (we use rubber base also), with very soft packing so the plate really sinks in. The back of the sheet bruises because of the soft packing, but this is the best way I’ve found to avoid smears.

    Annika Buxman
    11 years, 12 months ago

    Adina, This is the same problem I always have with Stardream on the C&P. Vandercook works better for me when lightly inked. For the last few years I’ve been avoiding Stardream altogether and using Curious Metallic instead because it takes the print so beautifully. Good luck on your project!–Annika

    Camille Robin
    11 years, 11 months ago

    The color of the paper is shining through. Is there transparent white ink in the formula? You should probably use  Van Son Tough Tex, it can be purchased at


    Bryan Hutcheson
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Bunny Bear Press
    11 years, 11 months ago

    I wonder why I wasnt sent an email with these replies! Thank you everyone. The weird thing is, I think it is my rollers on my C&P. I even took a ton of ink off the press and was still getting the splotchy coverage. I tried it on my 3×5 Kelsey and the ink coverage was great (no impression to speak of though). 

    I had some soy based ink custom mixed by Great Western Ink and got the same splotchy result on the C&P. Could it be my rollers?

    Kseniya, I am going to try your method with my custom ink.

    Annika, I would love to have a go-to shimmer paper. I have a curious swatch book that I will try a sample on. 

    Camille, I had heard about the Tough Tex and called all over my town to find it to no avail. Thank you for the link. I will use that in the future if I print on Stardream again.

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