Graham Judd replied to the topic Surplus Vintage Printing Equipment! in the forum Classifieds 10 months, 2 weeks ago
I had one of those Varityper type setters years ago. Does that one still go?
Graham Judd's profile was updated 3 years, 6 months ago
Graham Judd replied to the topic First Press – Heidelberg Windmill Oil/Lubrication in the forum Supplies and Sources 4 years ago
Hi Jennifer. Have you got your oil question answered? My thoughts.
First, oil only, no grease on a heidelberg. Next, I just get standard motor oil for mine. The oils you listed would be fine but the main thing is that you oil the press regularly, and something like a 20/50 grade will keep it lubricated fine. My regularly is probably about once…[Read more] -
Graham Judd's profile was updated 4 years, 6 months ago
Graham Judd replied to the topic Eco-friendly oil options for C&P Pilot? in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 4 years, 6 months ago
When I was a little younger we could buy engine oil that was recycled. It was just regular oil from our car engine that had been strained of all the gunk. The oil doesn’t actually wear out, it just gets very dirty and full of nasties. Maybe you can still buy it. Or even strain your own old engine oil, through fine material or something. I’m sur…[Read more]
Graham Judd became a registered member 4 years, 6 months ago